
Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2015

Dreadball Game Summary II

And another one of this highly dramatic games.The teams are known:

More after the jump.

This time the game took place at "The Atlas Belt" asteroid field. Setup and first rush:

The human team did start and came in a good position for a strike throw, but failed. The marauders caught up on the ball and took the game in the other half(?) of the asteroid field.

They were successful in scoring the first point of the game. After that, things got rough. The humans got the ball, but got cornered.

And then something happened, which is not often seen on the field: a goblin successfully stealed the ball from a striker. Unfortunately this was the last action this rush. And now the human trainer was angry, and put some dirty tricks on the field. The first victim was a guard.

He was hit by a gravity pulse and was thown off the asteroid, never been seen again. But it didn't stop there. Motivated by this event, all the human players started to slam the opposition near the edge of the asrteroids.

An unlucky goblin, trapped in a tangler, was the next one taking a dive in the endless space. The marauder trained reacted like a little child and tryed the same tricks.

But the damage on the astro-lasso was not enough, so the asteroid only rotated, but stayed in place. Meanwhile the humans used their rushes to wreak havoc on the marauder team. One guard, unprepared,  took slam in the back, followed be evil laughter of the human trainer.

The same human guard advanced to his next target, scoring another point on the "pushing people into space"-chart.

But the early success of scoring a strike leaved the marauder team on the winning track. In the last rush the dice punished the humans for their unsportsmanship.

This throw was far off the strike post.

The marauder won this mayhem, the survivors dedicating their victory to the ones lost in space. :)

Regards and stay tuned for updates.