
Montag, 25. September 2017

Firestorm Armada Veydreth Destroyers

The first squadron of my new FSA faction, the Veydreth, is finished.

I painted them first to get a visual test of the paint scheme i had in ind. Turned out it was good. :)

Freitag, 22. September 2017

WiP-Shot: Veydreth Destroyers

A WiP-Shot of the VEydreth destroyers i am currently working on.

The green is done and the red parts are painted. Some dark ink on them and then perhaps highlights. Now i have to decide, what color to take for engine (and other) glow.

Regards and stay tuned for updates.

Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

WiP-Shot: Veydreth Fleet

Oddly enough, i never seem to run out of models, that i can paint. So this time it is a full fleet of Veydreth, natural allies to my Sorylians.

Currently deciding on a paint scheme, guess it will be something the line of the studio scheme.

And i need to get hold on some more corvettes. :)

Regards and stay tuned for updates.

Donnerstag, 7. September 2017

Firestorm Armada Sorylian Battlestation

So, probably the last Sorylian models ever painted by me, a Battlestation and the Defence Platforms.

And my blue paint pot is empty. :( I call that a sign and don't try to hunt down a Bastion Fleet Box...probably... :)

Regards and stay tuned for updates.