
Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2015

Heavy Cruiser Squadron finished

I have finished my squadron of heavy cruisers for my Sorylian naval forces.

The gunracks are magnetized, so that i can field them as heavy or standard variant.

For my next ships i may think about masking the hull, as my free hand skills aren't the best. And the white lines on the side of the hull may become more straight.

So, last part of my sorylian force is the dreadnought, waiting to be painted, completing my collection. :)

Regards and stay tuned for updates

Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

Workbench Wednesday

Another Wednesday, another Update:

The cruisers from last week are finished and will leave the shipyard this evening. I will take some pictures with a better background.

Actually in the works is a Sorylian Recon Helix from Firstorm Planetfall. The heavy skiff is nearly done and the troops are waiting to get their armour and weapons painted. Will have to speed up a little, as the deadline for the whole helix is in two weeks and hobby time is rar. :)

Regards and stay tuned for updates

Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015

Workbench Wednesday

I like to introduce to you the new category of posts in my blog: the Workbench Wednesday.

I will make a picture of my workbench every wednesday , post it and tell you something about actual projects. First things first, the picture:

Yes, i know, far to tidy to be a workbench. :)

In the process of painting is a squadron of cruisers/heavy cruisers for Firestorm Armada. Main colors are applied, currently the glow effects of the drive systems are made. The gun racks for each cruiser variant are magnetized and completed.

Also in the main working area is a Sky Drop marker for Firestorm Planetfall, the first thing from the Recon Helix, which i will paint after the cruisers. (should be completed till 13.11., to fullfil the requirements for our gaming club build-up campaign; Link to rules (german) ). In the background you can see (or imagine :) ) the other squads of light walkers, the heavy skiff and some heavy infantry.

And last but not least, due to bad lighting not visible, but present in the picture is the sorylian dreadnought.

Regards and stay tuned for updates

Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015

SAGA Crescent & Cross 4pts Milites Christi

I had a productive last month, one of the things i could complete was my 4pts Milites Christi Warband for SAGA.

 Here is a group shot on the Holy Land table in my gaming club:

I choosed the colors of the Teutonic Order, white for the heathguard and a dark gray for the warriors.

Some close-ups: (i experimented with a setup to get nice shots, but i think the ligthing needs improvement :) ).

The leader of the warband.

Some of his trusted knights.

Warriors on foot.

Warriors with crossbows.

To get to 6pts i have 16 mounted warriors, waiting for assembly in the depths of my hobby chest.

Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

Planetfall Core Helix finished

After weeks of painting, i took some pictures of my finished models from the Sorylian Core Helix.

Some Close-Ups:
The Huk'Ka, getting ready to vaporize some enemies.

A Squadron of Bor'Kas.

The Ka'Kuns, trying to outflank a lonely tank.

A Mul'Kat Cadre, holding a forest.

A Kul'Vok Cadre, overwatching from a building.

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Planetfall Battlereport 1400 vs. Relthoza

Hello everyone,

had a game last night against some spiders. The picture shows the aftermath of the battle, which was my first victory in planetfall. :)

Game started with the recon moves, relthoza won and moved the light walkers near the secondary objective and the medium walkers moved to gain some ground. My light skimmers moved behind the forest on the right side.

First turn brought some damage to my medium walker squadron and to the relthoza heavy walker. The spiders droped both spires near my tertiary objective, releasing their drone contens, but were held at bay by my heavy infantry and the transport. Same infantry occupied the building holding the objective. My skimmer moved in the flank of the medium walkers and did some damage, loosing two skimmers in the course of this turn.

Second turn was the heroic turn of my Sorylians. The elements to winning this game were a Forlon Hope Huk'Ka and my heavy infantry in the building. The heavy walker moved forward and decimated the light relthoza walkers to one with a Forlon Hope marker, freeing the secondary objective from them and giving nice TV. The second heroic act was my heavy infantry, defending against two storming attemts and securing the last needed TV for my 0/+2 victory.

A nice game with some absurd dice throws on both sides with me having more luck. :)